ICT Policy


  1. Introduction
  2. Using the Internet for Education
  3. User Access to the Internet
  4. Expectations of Users
  5. Health & Safety
  1. Introduction

    Usually, the resources used by students in colleges are carefully chosen by the instructors and determined by college policies. Use of the Internet, by its nature, will provide access to information, which has not necessarily been selected by the instructor. Whilst users will often be directed to sites, which provide reviewed and evaluated sources, at times, they will be able to move beyond these, to sites unfamiliar to the instructors. There is genuine cause for concern that users might access unsuitable material either accidentally or deliberately.

    The purpose of computer usage policy is to:

    The college believes that the benefits to users from access to the resources of the Internet, far exceed the disadvantages. Ultimately, the responsibility for setting and conveying the standards that users are expected to follow, when using media and information resources, falls on the user community as a whole; if the is a possibility that you will offend or inconvenience another community member, you should refrain from that activity, and if another user bothers you, you should say something to that user or to the administration.

    We feel that the best recipe for success lies in a combination of site-filtering, of supervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in our users. Users will be given an explanatory/introductory course and current rules, which form our Internet Access Agreement (available on the web site).

  2. Using the Internet for Education

    The benefits of Internet access include:

    The college intends to teach users about the vast information resources available on the Internet, using it as a planned part of many lessons. All instructors will review and evaluate resources available on web sites appropriate to users and the ICT co-ordinator/adviser will assist in the dissemination of this information.

    Initially users may be restricted to sites which have been reviewed and selected for content. They may be given tasks to perform using a specific group of web sites accessed from a common 'Favourites' menu on the college server.

    Continuing Instruction

    As internet education progresses, users will be taught both technological and decision-making skills as appropriate, for example:

    Please see the educational resources section of the web site for more details.

  3. User Access to the Internet

    The college may use "filtered" Internet Service, which will minimise the chances of users encountering undesirable material. The College will normally only allow students to use the Internet when there is an instructor present to supervise. However it is unrealistic to suppose that the instructor's attention will always be directed toward the computer screen. Instructor will be aware of the potential for misuse, and will be responsible for explaining to users, the expectation we have of them. The college may have access to students' emails and other Internet related files and may check these on a regular basis to ensure expectations of behaviour are being met.

  4. Expectations of Users

    Please see the Computer Lab Rules.

  5. Health & Safety

    Computer usage can affect user health and safety. [find ergonomics and other references from internet.]

See also:

Update History:

To Do:Add ergonomics guidelines.
15-Feb-2007 SIDA/VSO Group: Review administrative document set
Geoff CalderSIDAgeoff@caldertowers.com
Vicky DyerVSOMtwaravdyer@blueyonder.co.uk
Shindo JumaMoEVTButimbashindostz@yahoo.com
Albert LingelbachPeace CorpsMorogoroalingelb@yahoo.com
Elisei Emili LubuvaMoEVTMpwapwalubuvaelisei@yahoo.com
Angus MauleVSOMpwapwaangusmaule@aol.com
Damari MchomeMoEVTMarangudamariangalo@yahoo.com
Saidi M. MkuliaMoEVTMtwaramkulia2000@yahoo.co.uk
Liz RoseVSOMwanzaliz.rose@hotmail.co.uk
Ken SyrettVSOMaranguken.syrett@btinternet.com
Thomas WilsonVSOVikinduthomas419ca@yahoo.co.uk

14-Feb-2007Albert LingelbachSeparation into Policy, Rules, User Agreement
Kleruu Teachers CollegeOriginal version